started at 2021-11-14 16:37:17 and ended on 2021-11-14 16:41:59

16:37:17 : Evarya attacks Bumbum.
16:37:43 : Evarya hits old huge spider extremely hard in the left hindleg and harms it.
16:37:47 : Evarya hits old huge spider deadly hard in the right leg and damages it.
16:37:51 : Evarya hits old huge spider deadly hard in the top of the back and damages it.
16:37:55 : Evarya hits old huge spider extremely hard in the left hindleg and damages it.
16:37:59 : Evarya hits old huge spider extremely hard in the neck and damages it.
16:37:59 : old huge spider dies by the hands of Evarya.
16:41:59 : Bumbum leaves the battle.