started at 2024-02-17 00:20:39 and ended on 2024-02-17 00:24:54

00:20:39 : Cruz attacks Werewolflmon.
00:20:45 : Cruz cuts Werewolflmon very hard in the right hand and hurts it.
00:20:45 : Velociraptor joins the fray.
00:20:45 : Velociraptor attacks Cruz.
00:20:47 : Werewolflmon cuts Cruz extremely hard in the stomach and harms it.
00:20:51 : Cruz pierces Werewolflmon hard in the stomach and irritates it.
00:20:53 : Werewolflmon cuts Cruz very hard in the right hand and hurts it.
00:20:53 : Cruz dies.
00:20:53 : Cruz dies by the hands of Werewolflmon.
00:24:54 : Velociraptor leaves the battle.