started at 2023-02-10 14:41:43 and ended on 2023-02-10 14:42:03

14:41:43 : Aroma attacks Nubzorq.
14:41:46 : Aroma cuts Nubzorq deadly hard in the right thigh and harms it.
14:41:49 : Aroma cuts Nubzorq deadly hard in the left thigh and harms it.
14:41:53 : Aroma cuts Nubzorq deadly hard in the stomach and harms it.
14:41:56 : Aroma cuts Nubzorq deadly hard in the right thigh and harms it.
14:41:59 : Aroma cuts Nubzorq deadly hard in the right underarm and damages it.
14:42:03 : Aroma cuts Nubzorq deadly hard in the left underarm and damages it.
14:42:03 : Nubzorq dies.
14:42:03 : Nubzorq dies by the hands of Aroma.